Tuesday, 11 June 2013

7 Powerful Reasons To Eat Lemons, The Wonder Fruit!   

lemon_7_detoxLemons… A lot of us are familiar with this fruit. But we do not really know the importance of it to life.
Do you know that lemons is among the fruits that have the highest healing powers of diseases on earth?
Do you also know that lemons creates the environment in the body that aids rapid weight loss?
How does it do this you ask?
Lemons have the natural powers as a strong anti-bacteria, anti-viral and immune boosting powers, liver and colon cleansing which creates alkalinity in the body that turns it into a fat-burning furnace.
Recently, science has discovered that in addition to the powers that lemons posses, that they are now an effective aid in preventing poison, and treating other health conditions.
In today’s article, I shall be talking about the 7 cures that eating lemon makes possible and how this can help you in maintaining a healthy life.
1. Alkalinize Your Body For Fast Weight Loss
 Use of lemon juice to alkalinize the body everyday or 2 – 3 times per week.
To do that, each morning, press out lemon juice into a glass of water and drink before going out. The effect this has is that it helps in killing bacteria and cleaning the colon and liver and helps it to become more alkaline.
When the body is alkaline, fat burning is increased, and toxins is washed away. When this happens, there is a gradual process of weight loss overtime.
2. Treatment of Acne
Citric Acid is a substance that helps to treat Acne, and Lemon has it in abundance. Vitamin C is a nutrient that helps the skin to glow, and because Vitamin C is alkaline in nature, it kills some types of bacteria that causes Acne. Lemon is a good source of Vitamin C.
Lemon has a 75% chance of treating early signs of Acne. If you have Acne on your body, this is how to use lemon to treat it if it has not gone into its very advanced stage.
With a cotton wool, press out some juice onto it and rub over the Acne affected areas, leave overnight and wash off the next morning.
Thereafter, mix one part of lemon juice with some honey, rub the mixture over the affected areas, and leave for 30 minutes, then wash off. Do this twice a day until the Acne disappears.
3. Cure Canker Sores of The Mouth
Canker sores are wounds that happens around the mouth or on the lips. If you have this problem, you can get rid of it using lemon juice.
Here is what to do:
Mix one part of freshly pressed Lemon juice into a glass of lukewarm water. Take it into your mouth and gargle or rinse your mouth lemonwith this water, then allow it to stay in your mouth for about 3 – 5 minutes, then pour out.
Repeat 3 times in a day. There may be some burning sensation when the lemon water touches those problem areas, those sensations are the destructive effect of lemon water over the bacteria. It will reduce as you continue with the solution.
4. Cold, Runny Nose Or Sore Throat
The healing powers of lemon helps the body internally by supplying the needed Vitamin C required by the immune system to prevent the bacteria from taking root in the body.
When you experience cold or runny nose, taking Lemon is one way to prevent the cold from entering advanced stage. Get a freshly pressed juice into a glass of lukewarm water and drink it every 2 hours.
5. Eliminate Eczema
Eczema is another skin disease just like Acne. To help you with scraping Eczema, you need to use the outer skin of lemon. Press out the oil from the skin, and add about 8 – 10 drops of it into a glass of Lukewarm water. Mix this with a tablespoon of honey.
Get a linen material and soak it with it, then gently place the cloth over the affected area for 15 minutes. Repeat this 2 -3 times daily.
6. Insect Repellant
Lemon can serve as a natural source of insect repellant and are better alternatives. To repel insects, press out lemon oil from the Lemon outer skin layer, add about 20 drops into about 200ml of water and spray into the air.
It smells good and repels insects at the same time. If you want to avoid insect or mosquito bite while outside the house in the evening, apply this scented water with lemon oil on your body parts not covered with clothes.
7. Clear Pain and Helps Rheumatism
Lemon is very bitter, but then it’s highly alkaline and combats acidity in the body. Excess acidity contributes to Rheumatism.
To help with the treatment or prevention of Rheumatism, drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with freshly pressed lemon juice 3 times daily.
If there are severe pain in the joints, lemon oil which is extracted from the skin of the lemon fruit can be used to rub on the pain areas as this serves as a pain relieving agents as well.
There are countless uses of Lemon to better health and fight obesity. This list is just a tiny part of what lemons can do. It’s an incredible healing fruit that most of us take for granted.
We should learn the habit of using nature’s resources to it’s fullest.
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4 REASONS Why You Should Eat Cabbage! 

cabbageCabbage is a vegetable few people really appreciate. If not for the purpose of vegetable salad used in fried rice, I guess many Nigerians would not know what a cabbage is.
Do you know that Cabbage belongs to the super-foods that weight watchers eat to get maximum result in losing weight in limited time?
Cabbage belongs to the Brassica plant family vegetables which includes, broccoli, brussels sprout, Kale, and Cauliflower – These vegetables are not found in Nigeria.
Scientific studies have shown that cabbage is one vegetable that has the least of calories and very rich in fiber. These two qualities alone spells weight loss. Just eating cabbage alone in few days has been responsible for weight loss in less time compared to eating other vegetables.
So if you have all the fruits and vegetables in your fridge and Cabbage is not part of it, it’s not yet complete if you are a weight watcher.
Below are reasons why you should ENSURE that you eat Cabbage all the time.
  • Antioxidant Properties
Studies show that antioxidants reduces inflammation in the body, fights the growth of cancer cells, and boosts brain function. Cabbage is very rich with particular types of antioxidants that is responsible for preventing the above disease conditions.
  • Reduction of Cholesterol
Cabbage is one of the most effective vegetables that reduces cholesterol in the body. It does this by preventing Bile from absorbing fats in foods after meal, thereby reducing the over-all cholesterol build up in the body.
  • Stops Cancerous Growth
Cabbage contains an important compound called “glucosinolates” which have anti-cancer properties. Meaning that as long as you eat cabbage, this compound is released into the blood stream. As long as this compound exists from time to time in your body, cancer cells will NEVER find a favourable environment to grow and wreck havoc on the body.
  • Abundant Fiber Content
This is the weight watcher’s dream come true. Cabbage is very rich in fiber and easily fills one up when eating. The fibre content in Cabbage has been responsible in helping to cure stomach ulcer and adsorb toxins out of the body. It therefore plays the perfect role of a natural stomach cleanser.
In fact studies have shown that women who eat cabbage has a 45% lower risks of having a breast cancer compared to women who doesn't eat cabbage at all.
While cabbage is good for health, it should be known that excessive amount of raw cabbage in the body is not healthy.
In other words, do not make eating cabbage your daily routine, adding it in every meal you eat. This is because, despite it’s healthy and nutritional advantages, cabbage is a “Goitrogen”. Meaning that excessive raw cabbage can lead to goitres.
Goitre is a condition where the thyroid gland becomes enlarged, due to either hormone imbalance or deficiency in Iodine.
When this happens, there is a swelling in the throat of the person suffering from Goitre.
A Cabbage heavy diet can contribute to the onset of goitre because cabbage inhibits the bodies ability to adsorb Iodine.
But not to worry, this condition rarely happens because the chance of excessive consumption of cabbage is rare.
As with everything, moderation should be the watch word.
Eat your cabbage at least 3 – 4 times per week to enjoy the health benefit of it.
Do you want to know about other SUPER FOODS that can help you lose weight in record time like the wonder vegetable Cabbage?
I think you should try it out starting today.
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Top 5 Healthiest Vegetables 

Eating vegetables has been found to be the most effective way to lose weight in record time. Today, you will be learning about five of the top fat burning vegetables you can start adding to your meal every day to start your goal of managing your weight and living a healthy life.
1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are sweet, juicy, delicious and fat free. We all know that eating tomatoes is good for the body. However, many people do not know what makes eating tomatoes a healthy choice.
Tomatoes is a good source of Vitamin A, and C. It has a low calorie, cholesterol, sodium and saturated fat, all these factors are good for weight tomatoesloss. Additionally, because tomatoes have a high water content, it makes it possible for one to get full eating it. Eating tomatoes helps in protection against high blood pressure, strokes, and heart disease.
Other Health Benefits of Tomatoes are:
  • Tomatoes are a natural cancer fighter.
  • Tomatoes build strong bones.The vitamin K and calcium in tomatoes are both very good for strengthening and repairing bones.
  • Tomatoes can keep your blood sugar in balance. Tomatoes are a very good source of chromium, which helps to regulate blood sugar.
  • Tomatoes can improve your vision. The vitamin A that tomatoes provide can improve vision and help prevent night blindness
2. Egg Plant aka Garden Egg
eggplantMany people I know do not like eating Garden Egg. However, I love eating this plant a lot. While many fruits and vegetables plays a vital role in healthy living, Egg plant appears to have a special role it plays especially in the treatment and prevention of some serious health conditions.
In this article, we will discuss just 3 ways that the egg plant has proven useful.
In Weight Loss
Egg plants contain a lot of dietary fiber, as a result when eaten before meal makes one full and thus the person would not consume so much calories in normal cooked foods. The reason is fiber is relatively “bulky” so to speak and takes up much space in the stomach. When digestion is taking place on fibrous foods, it takes a longer time to move from the stomach to the digestive tract while keeping the person full all the while with lesser calories.
Fat burn takes place and because the person is feeling full, there won’t be need to eat more before the next meal, and of course weight is lost in the process. Additionally, eggplants have plenty antioxidant, vitamins, minerals and low in carbohydrate. Research studies have also shown that those suffering from type 2 diebetes should embrace this vegetable as all of these also contribute in weight loss when eaten frequently.
In Cancer Treatment
Science studies have shown that eating egg plant can help in the prevention and treatment of cancers, especially colon cancers.
How Does Eating Egg Plant Help In Treating Cancer?
Here is the scientific explanation to it.
Fiber is important in the treatment of colon cancers. Egg plant has plenty of fiber content. Fibers are porous and have absorbing properties in the body. When egg plant is eaten, as the fibers moves from the stomach through the digestive tracts to the intestines, it has the tendency to absord toxins and dangerous chemicals that could lead to the development of colon cancer, while it is moving.
For best results, more of the skin of the egg plant should be eaten as it is found that the skin has more fiber than the inner parts of the plant.
Better Skin Tone
Egg plant has a lot of water content. Apart from the bones, fat, muscles, and organs in our body, water makes up a major component of our body. It has been found that a body that has good supply of water gets the benefits of a healthy skin as water helps in the overall detoxification process in the body.
To supply water to the body, drinking plenty of water or eating veggies like egg plant help in supplying the body the needed amount of water for a healthy and toned skin. For best results, eggplant should be eaten raw instead of cooking it.
3. Sweet Potatoes
Many people feel that Sweet potatoes are like other carbohydrate foods like Yam, Cocoyam etc that has a high carbohydrate content. In this article, you are going to learn how you can add sweet potatoes as one of the foods to help you in losing weight.
Sweet Potatoes are known as root vegetables and has dozens of anti-cancer nutrients like Vitamin A, C and Manganese. Below you are ways that sweet-potato-raweating tomatoes can help you to lose weight.
  • Sweet Potatoes have high amount of dietary fiber content, meaning that it is good for those wishing to lose weight as plenty of fibers in the body makes one have the feeling of fullness, and thus limits hunger which makes adding more calories to the body results to fat gain.
  • Sweet Potatoes are heart-friendly. The potassium in sweet potatoes can protect your heart by lowering your blood pressure according to the American Heart Association.
  • Additionally, the healthy fiber content helps to “draw” or absorb “bad” cholesterol from the arteries of the heart, allowing a free flow of oxygen, water, and blood thus enabling a healthy and normal blood pressure in the body.
  • Sweet Potatoes improves digestion. The fibers in sweet potatoes can soften the size of your stool, hence making it easier to pass out. That is why eating sweet potatoes is known to prevent constipation and alleviate irritable bowel syndrome.
4. Fresh Pepper
Be it red, green or yellow pepper, the taste of chili pepper on the tongue can cause some people to start sweating especially when it is used to prepare a delicious meal that is also hot.
istock_photo_of_bell_peppersPepper has a known antioxidant called “capsaicin”. This is the substance that produces the heat effect on the tongue when pepper is eaten.
Interestingly, scientists have discovered that this substance in pepper(capsaicin) has the ability to curb appetite and the desire to eat more foods.
A recent research also indicated that eating pepper can help to increase metabolism slightly and thus increase fat burning throughout the day. So if you do not like peppers, why not try adding some fresh ones into your diet starting today.
5. Carrots
One of the best vegetable fruits for weight loss is carrot. Carrot is no doubt a very known and popular vegetable.
Carrot is known to have a thick layer of skin when eaten raw. However, it has been discovered that for the body to fully maximize the health Carrots1benefit of carrot and fully absorb the minerals and vitamins in these vegetables, it is better to juice the carrot.
By juicing carrots, you break down the cells of the thick layered wall and increase the concentration of carrots the body can use.
What are the health benefits of carrots?
As a juice, carrots can help in healing muscles and bones after workouts as it contains a good amount of Vitamin A. The Vitamin C in carrots helps to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
Carrots also contain micronutrients like Vitamin B1, B2, and B6 which are very essential in the breaking down of fat molecules, protein and glucose and thus increasing the ability to build muscles which helps in faster burning of fat in the body which results in increased metabolism and subsequently, weight loss.
On the Macro nutrient level, carrots contain only 94 calories, 0.4g of Fat, 21.9g of carbohydrate and 9.2g of sugar. As weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you consume, low-calorie, nutrient-dense carrot juice is a great way to meet both your daily nutritional needs and weight loss goals.
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