Tuesday, 12 November 2013

WWE Body Shop: Fitness Tips with Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus

Turn your soft and flabby stomach into a model of perfection with this Dolph Ziggler-tested core routine.

The No-Crunch Abs Circuit

Get ripped with these fitness tips from WWE Superstars Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus – presented by “Pain & Gain,
Every time you perform a crunch at the gym, you’re compressing each vertebra in your spine, says trainer Chris Thomae—myboostfitness.com. Why not work those same muscle areas without punishing your back? “The following exercises focus on contracting the abs by reversing the crunch motion so that your hips are doing the work,” he says. Perform this routine after every workout. Awww—is that too hard? Come on, it’s gut-check time, chubs!
for more from Dolph Ziggler and Sheamus  Abs:http://www.wwe.com/inside/wwe-body-shop-pain-and-gain-26138579


jackmarie said...

Thanks for suggesting this instructive way of exercise. I am habitual of going to ‘Jim’ and work hard a lot for making biceps. I hope you recommendations here on this blog, will additionally help to make my dream come true for my physical look.

Unknown said...

Yes just take your time and the result will come.